What you need to know about using your credit card abroad

When you are traveling aboard, a credit card is an essential item to have with you.  It’s a convenient and safe way to make purchases.  But before you pack one of your credit cards for your international travel, make sure that you understand the fees associated with using your credit card abroad.  The card you use for everyday purchases might have high fees for these transactions that you should be aware of.

Making purchases abroad

There are two fees that could be associated with making purchases using your credit card:

  • Foreign transaction fee.  This is a percentage of purchase you make, typically around 3% but varies by credit card.
  • Currency conversion fee.  This is a fee that may be assessed if the purchase is converted into USD at the time of purchase. This doesn’t happen frequently, but some merchant may ask you if you want to see the transaction in USD.

Using ATMs abroad

Your credit card may not allow use at an ATM at all.  But if you find yourself having to use your credit card at an ATM as a last resort to get cash, know all the possible fees that could be associated with it.  Getting cash out of an ATM using a credit card is considered a cash advance.  Be aware there will be a cash advance fee, the cash advance may have a higher interest than the other types of transactions (and interest may start accruing immediately), and the ATM that you use may charge a surcharge fee.

All the fees and rates should be spelled out in the most current pricing/rate addendum to your credit card agreement, if you happened to have kept that!  But calling your credit card company to fully understand its fees might be the best option. 

Getting foreign currency

Japanese 1000 yen bills

If you think you need some cash abroad, plan ahead.  In some countries, like Japan, credit cards may not be as broadly accepted as they are in the States.  It’s typically more economical to have the foreign currency exchange done while you are in the U.S. than looking for options at your overseas destination.  Check with your bank’s local branch.  Many of them will be able to order foreign currency for you but you will have to allow some time (e.g. 3-4 business days) to have the currency delivered to the branch to be picked up.  There may be fees associated with this service and the exchange rate may not be as favorable, so ask about those upfront.

Things to remember before your international travel

Before you leave for your international trip with your credit card, remember to do a couple of things:

  • Call your credit card company to let them know about the upcoming trip, including when and where you are going.  Nothing is more aggravating than finding out your only credit card you brought with you has been declined at the point of purchase.
  • Write down the phone number for the credit card company to take with you.  Some banks and credit unions offer a different phone number for reporting lost/stolen cards which typically offers 24/7 support even when your bank branch and call center aren’t open.  Make sure that you have this phone number as well.
  • Pack another credit card or a debit card. If you have another credit card or a debit card, it might be a good idea to take it with you as a backup.  You can carry the backup card with you but you may want to store it in safe place that’s different from your primary credit card so they don’t get lost or stolen together.

Using your bank’s debit card abroad

A debit card that is tied to your bank account (like checking or money market accounts) can be another option to make purchases and get money out, but this also requires planning ahead.  You can typically use the card as long as you are not in a country that’s blacklisted. Be sure to call your bank in advance to:

  • Let them know when and where you are going.
  • Ask what the foreign transaction fees are for using the debit card for purchases.  
  • Ask what the ATM fees are if you are to take cash out.  In addition to your bank’s fees, there will be an additional surcharge fee by the bank that owns the ATM.
  • If the debit card is tied to a Money Market account, make sure you understand the additional restrictions for using it.   There may be a limit on the number of times you can withdraw per statement cycle or a minimum required balance in order to avoid the fees.

While some fees are simply unavoidable, or you may consider it as a price you pay for the convenience you get, do your homework before you travel so that you don’t end up with a ton of unexpected fees!

Do you have any other tips to share?

If you have any additional tips or insights on how to safely and cost effectively travel abroad with your credit or debit cards, please share in the comments below!

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  1. Eileen Thorsen | 8th Mar 19

    We are a family that love to travel! These tips were super helpful, and I will definitely keep them in mind when we travel to a new country!

  2. T.M. Brown | 26th Feb 19

    Oh, the things you forget to take into consideration when traveling abroad. Great tips – thank you so much for sharing these. Need to keep this in mind for the next trip taking outside the States.

  3. Jen | 26th Feb 19

    This is really good food for thought before traveling abroad! It’s important to know these things.

  4. Pauline Reynolds | 25th Feb 19

    There are crazy fees when you are abroad. I try not to use my card if I can help it.

  5. Angela Greven | 25th Feb 19

    Great info, Akiko, fees associated with credit cards can be ridiculous! So nice that your post makes people aware of where they can and most likely will zing you. Thanks 🙂

  6. Kathryn at QuestFor47 | 25th Feb 19

    Great tips for traveling abroad! Going to keep this post in mind as I travel more!

  7. Kirsten | 25th Feb 19

    Good advice!! Thanks for your suggestions

  8. Laura | 24th Feb 19

    Great tips! Planning a trip now! That’s definitely helped! Thanks!

  9. Jennifer | 23rd Feb 19

    Great tips! Even when I travel domestically I let my credit and debit card companies know. That way I never have any issues.

  10. Michele Vadnais | 23rd Feb 19

    Not something I would have thought about! Thank you for the advice.

  11. Susan Franklin | 23rd Feb 19

    Working for the largest CU in Arizona and having oversight of our Debit Card Services area, I agree! Your tips are spot on and very helpful for those wanting to travel abroad. I am still amazed at how many people travel with only 1 card and end up in emergency situations!

  12. Cindy | 23rd Feb 19

    This is helpful! I take a particular debit card with me. I meet with someone at the bank before I go and they get my travel dates and itinerary so they know what countries I’ll be visiting and when. It’s worked out great so far!

  13. Sandi | 22nd Feb 19

    Lots of great advice. Also Discover is not widely accepted in many countries, make sure to check ahead of time.

    • admin | 24th Feb 19

      That’s a great point, Sandi! There are cards that aren’t as widely accepted internationally – such as Discover. Thank you!

  14. Kristen | 22nd Feb 19

    Very good information about money and traveling, I wouldn’t have thought about some of these things.

  15. Meagan | 22nd Feb 19

    I’ve never been outside of the country, but this is good to know!

  16. Jessica Dana | 22nd Feb 19

    It’s always a little nerve racking when traveling out of the country to worry about money. These are great tips.

  17. Jelane Douglas | 22nd Feb 19

    Great tips! Pinning this for future trips!

  18. Leigh Ann | 22nd Feb 19

    I haven’t traveled much abroad so very helpful information!

  19. Kim | 22nd Feb 19

    I’m getting ready to go on an international trip so this will be extremely helpful! I worry the most about cell service and currency.

  20. Karie | 22nd Feb 19

    Good suggestions. I always worry about my card getting canceled and then what but I don’t know why it didn’t dawn on me to bring another card. Great suggestion.

  21. Tricia Snow | 22nd Feb 19

    As a retired banker, this is a great post. Many people need this info before traveling.

  22. Ramae Hamrin | 21st Feb 19

    Wow, I had never even thought about many of these things. I guess I don’t get out much! I do now how important it is to let your credit card company about travel plans, even if they’re just out of state, however. These are really insightful tips, Akiko. I hope I get to use them one day!

  23. Holly Bird | 21st Feb 19

    Thank you for the great tips! Its important to make sure you understand your options when traveling!

  24. Jocelyn | 21st Feb 19

    Great information! Pinning this for our upcoming trip to France!

  25. Ivy | livin the life of ivy | 21st Feb 19

    I forgot the term, but one tip I was given was to make sure you use credits with no fees when traveling aboard. Even though it was only to Canada, I was very grateful for the tip. When I got home, I was glad to discover that I never did discover any fees. And always call your credit company prior to your trip and give them the dates of your trip. They were very helpful.

  26. julie | 21st Feb 19

    Thank for this! I have never traveled abroad and would never have thought a/b all of these issues.

  27. Anna | 21st Feb 19

    The best tip is to have the credit card on you that you can actually use in other countries! And thank God for these credit cards, because most of other countries do not accept US DOLLAR as a way of payment. And when there is nowhere to exchange currency you might end up in an unwanted situation.
    Great article! And all helpful tips! Thank you

  28. Brittanyu | 21st Feb 19

    Good tips! I am about to leave the country and needed a refresher on overseas credit card use!

  29. Yee Kok Siong | 20th Feb 19

    Unfortunately there are many risks and hassles associated with using a credit card abroad and you need to be careful. This is a post worth reading for these issues.

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