Blogging Resources for Beginners

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As my journey begins to explore the whole new world of blogging and entrepreneurship, I wanted to have a space where I can keep track of the resources and tools I find useful so that I can help anyone else who might be interested in taking the same path.

There are also personal changes that I need to make myself to grow into the type of person who is successful at this type of business. I’m a fairly private person so sharing these details might be a challenge in and of itself for me. But if there are any resources I found that are particularly powerful that help me reach my goals, I’ll be sure to share them here as well!

Getting started

  • Free 5 Day Start A Money Making Blog Crash Course. Offered by Heather & Pete Reese of a very successful blog, It’s A Lovely Life. It’s a solid overview of what it takes to build and monetize your blog.
  • Rome wasn’t built in a day. While the free 5-day course gave me the fast track to building the blog, I still couldn’t quite understand how to connect the dots. Because I was totally new to blogging, I was left with many questions than answers. Then I discovered their full 30-day Blast Off Course which turned out to be a great investment. It starts at the beginning of every month. And you go through it with a group of bloggers in the similar situation as you are. It’s not just the step-by-step information you gain from this that’s worth the investment. You also become part of their private VIP community of bloggers, most of whom are further along in their decision journey to start, or already in the process of building and monetizing, their blogs.

Building your own site

  • Canva is a graphic design tool website that I don’t know how I lived without all these years. It’s a highly templatized, easy-to-use platform with access to free and inexpensive photography and graphic options. It’s a perfect tool to create your social graphics and other marketing and content components that require simple yet professional looking designs.

Marketing your own site

  • As a blogger, learning how to maximize the use of Pinterest is of an utmost importance to growing traffic to your site. But as I have learned, creating one ‘pin’ that links to your post is like creating one needle to throw into an ever growing haystack! Chances of your one pin being found are so small… Unless, you constantly manage it to get your pins be seen by your audience, which can easily become you full-time job! Enter Tailwind to the rescue! Tailwind is a marketing application that can help simplify the Pinterest and Instagram scheduling efforts. Plus you can amplify your pins using the ‘communities’ within your niche. You can even get started with their free trial package!

Personal Growth

  • Coming soon!

Pin it for later!
I will continue to add more information on this page as I have more tools and resources to share. Pin this page now so that you can always come back to it!

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