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It seems like until fairly recently the options of what you are able to do on the long flights were limited: scheduled in-flight movies, books and magazines, crossword puzzles. Now, we have in-flight on-demand movies and TV shows and WiFi is even available on some flights, and mobile devices can now hold many types of downloads. Even with all these options available, long flights can be just as grueling as in the past. But it’s a price we are all willing to pay for a fantastic vacation, trip of a lifetime, or a visit with your family and friends.
Our trip to Japan from Ohio includes a 14-hour flight from Detroit to Nagoya, Japan. It never fails: around the 9th hour into the flight, we get so antsy and start contemplating on jumping out of the plane! Since we make this trip every 2 years or so and we hope to make an even longer trip to Australia and New Zealand someday, I have made it into a personal mission to find ways to survive long flights!
Here are some of the ideas I gathered from my own experience and from observing other passengers on how to make these long trips more tolerable or even remotely enjoyable:
Time flies when you are having fun! OK, it might be a little challenging to “have fun” on the plane. But try shifting your mindset even just a little with the intention of making the best of it. Imagine that this is the day you set aside for yourself, sitting on the couch, relaxing. What activities would you look forward to doing? Are there things that you’ve been meaning to catch up on that just have not had the chance to?
The more you focus on the negativities of the experience – like boredom, discomfort, anxiety, sense of confinement – the time will seem to drag even more. All the items below can be mixed and matched to help remove these negativities and create the time and space that can be filled with things you may actually look forward to!
Have you noticed that when your mind is preoccupied, it feels like the time flies? Sometimes even at work, when I’m really focused on getting something done, the time goes a lot faster. Or if you play an online game, before you know it, HOURS have gone by. Here are things that you can pack in your carryon to pass the time: